Monday, February 15, 2010

A weekend to remember

Valentine's day crept up on me this year.

Yes, I saw the plethora of Valentines stuff in every store, and even had multiple people ask me what our plans were for Valentines day.  But I still didn't really put two and two together.

I've been distracted....with Evelyn's injury and appointments, Bill's busy work schedule, and some nice visits from family and long lost friends.  I think having the holiday on a Sunday really threw me off too.

In past years, I have always given Bill and the kids some sort of chocolaty gift/surprise.  Not this year.  I spaced it.  Thank goodness for my parents dropping off some valentines and chocolate for us, and also an unexpected package that arrived from my cousin, that was filled to the brim with some candy and a stuffed animal for Evelyn, and chocolate and candy for the rest of us.  So, even though my mind was elsewhere, we were sufficiently 'valentined'.

Our Valentines day was actually very nice.  Bill started out Sunday morning with a meeting at the
Stake Center with Elder Perry, an apostle.  There was only about 30 people at this meeting, so it was really special for Bill to be able to be there.

Later on, we went to church, where we listened to Porter speak in sacrament meeting.  What a great kid and what a great talk!

After church, I made some enchiladas using some really tender pork from a roast I had made earlier in the week.

That night, we invited some friends over.  We had a wonderful visit while eating some Valentine's cake and ice cream.  (Yes, believe it or not, I did make a cake.  I scrambled Saturday night to at least make a Valentine's cake to give my family).

After our company left, and the kids were in bed, Bill made the two of us some Mexican hot chocolate in the blender.  It was his gift to me, and it was delicious.  Darker than regular hot chocolate, with a hint of cinnamon.  Mmmmm.  I loved it.  There's nothing like a mug of hot chocolate to end a nice, relaxing day with the one you love.

This morning, we woke up, got ready for our day, and had the elders over for a breakfast of french toast on Bill's day off.

Despite my absentmindedness, our weekend was great.  It just goes to show that you don't have to buy expensive gifts or eat at restaurants or put up lots of decorations to enjoy a holiday with your family, huh?

Plus we have enough enchiladas for tonight's dinner, so I have the night off of cooking!

An update on Evelyn's hand:  We had to do a home treatment on her hand yesterday because physical therapy was closed for President's day.  Ron sent me home with all of the stuff that I would need to be able to do it.  I was a bit nervous, but Bill and Porter helped me.  We did it!.... and her fingers are looking amazing.  I mean really amazing.  This little girl has been so blessed.  We go see Ron tomorrow and then to the plastic surgeon on Wednesday where we will learn more.


'T' said...

Mexican hot chocolate? Ding dang, that sounds awesome. Your enchiladas are heaven... I remember eating them and peaches at your first apt. when Darrec and I were engaged. Porter was on the way. I think our kids had a blast today together. I still can't believe Porter will be in YM's this year, Andrea will be in YW's next year and Evie and Eli will be Sunbeams next year too. I was pondering all this yesterday and that all hit me. This is the longest comment I think I've ever left ♥ ! So neat that Bill got to visit with Elder Perry and be counseled by him. So happy that Evie is having a good recovery. xxoo

LGH said...

Oh, this was fun to read...I loved your conclusion about not taking a lot of money, etc. to have a great Valentine day.

But, now, I have to know- what is Mexican hot chocolate?

Nicole Williams said...

Sounds like a great holiday! We are so glad Evelyn is doing better! Good luck with everything this week!

Jen B said...

I ran into Bill and his sister (whom I mistaken for his Mom, ouch, sorry!) @ the store on Sat. morning. I was glad to get your blog address. I'm glad things are starting to look up! It's amazing how the Lord blesses in our time of need! Love your blog!

Linds said...

I too LOVED V-day. And it was special having it on Sunday. Speaking of Elders, I miss having your house to cut their hair. I still get about 6 regular missionaries calling for scheduled hair cuts it still so fun, but I think of you and bill every time.
I'm so glad Evie is healing so well. Keep us posted...PS I'm still waiting for that call :)

Mrs. Olsen said...

As long as there is chocolate around, then valentine's day can go off without a hitch right? Glad to hear your daughter is feeling better. Oh, and mexican cocoa recipe please?

Dana Williams said...

Finally tried your lemon bar recipe and I must admit that they are the king of all lemon bars. Trevor even said that they were the best that he has ever had (which is a stretch because he detests lemon bars). Needless to say I get to eat the whole pan. Glad to hear that Evelyn is recovering quickly.